A collage involves glueing images or words onto paper. It can be used to gain insights on how a group sees particular issues.
1. Define the theme of the session.
2. Recruit participants for the session (5-8).
3. Print words and images onto sticker sheets/paper.
4. Give participants the printed images, glue, markers.
5. Participants make their collages.
6. The participants explain their collages by using stories.
7. Collect the information of the session, this can be by done by video/audio recordings, or taking notes.
8. Analyze the results and identify the most meaningful insights.
When insights are needed from a group of users.
Get insights on how specific groups view specific topics.
Images and words should be abstract,so that they do not influence the participants too much.
Collages and stories made by participants that help to understand their point of view on a specific topic.
Collect insights and identify ways to incorporate them into a design.
BUTLER-KISBER, Lynn; POLDMA, Tiiu. The power of visual approaches in qualitative inquiry: The use of collage making and concept mapping in experiential research. Journal of Research Practice, 2011, 6.2: 18.