Venn Diagram

A Venn diagram or set diagram is a diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets.

Venn Diagram


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1. Arrange a sheet of paper (or a digital artboard) and gather all the information you have at the moment.
2. Start clustering information and arrange it in groups.
3. Organise the information by drawing a circle and placing the clustered information in the circle.
4. Repeat the previous step for each of the information clusters.
5. Some information will overlap across different clusters, make sure you place the information in the intersection between the different circles.
6. Review if all the information has been placed, some information might have to be placed in a different cluster or a cluster will have to be divided in sub-clusters.
7. Analyse the diagram and polish the way it is displayed, this could be done quickly on paper or on a graphic design computer program.


When the information gathered needs to be analysed.


Allows to cluster information and understand commonalities across them. Can help to gather insights and quickly communicate them.


You might have to develop different versions to be able to arrange all the information.


A venn diagram that can display complex information so that it is easy to understand.


Take the insights and convert them into design criteria.

Venn Diagram


A Venn diagram or set diagram is a diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets.


1. Arrange a sheet of paper (or a digital artboard) and gather all the information you have at the moment.
2. Start clustering information and arrange it in groups.
3. Organise the information by drawing a circle and placing the clustered information in the circle.
4. Repeat the previous step for each of the information clusters.
5. Some information will overlap across different clusters, make sure you place the information in the intersection between the different circles.
6. Review if all the information has been placed, some information might have to be placed in a different cluster or a cluster will have to be divided in sub-clusters.
7. Analyse the diagram and polish the way it is displayed, this could be done quickly on paper or on a graphic design computer program.


When the information gathered needs to be analysed.


Allows to cluster information and understand commonalities across them. Can help to gather insights and quickly communicate them.


You might have to develop different versions to be able to arrange all the information.


A venn diagram that can display complex information so that it is easy to understand.


Take the insights and convert them into design criteria.