Boundary shifting is a way to discover solutions and features outside of the boundaries of the system related to the defined problem and applying them to the problem at hand.
1. Identify the current problem that needs to be solved, this will be defined as problem 1.
2. Research into a problem that may have the same principles or complications, this will be defined as problem 2.
3. Identify solutions for problem 2, write them down.
4. Go through the different solutions for problem 2 and identify which of them can be used to solve problem 1.
5. Make a plan to apply the solutions to solve the problem.
6. Implement the solutions that have been identified and can help solve or mitigate the problem.
When the team is stuck and needs inspiration to innovate.
Finding solutions that work in another system can give insights on the one you are working on.
The alternative system should have as many overlaps or parallels as possible with the problem or idea you are working on.
“Out of the box” solutions.
Apply the solutions or ideas to the problem and test them.
JONES, John Chris. Design methods. John Wiley & Sons, 1992. WALKER, David J.; DAGGER, Barry KJ; ROY, Robin. Creative techniques in product and engineering design: A practical workbook. Elsevier, 1991.